Little Moles Nursery, opened in September 2021. We provide care for children aged between 3 and 5 years old between the hours of 9am-3pm. The nursery is open during term time only, within Leigh Academy Molehill.

At Little Moles Nursery we provide morning, afternoon or whole day sessions which are organised into a mixture of adult led and child led learning opportunities. We believe this allows our children a range of opportunities which help build up their independence and confidence in small and large group activities. The children are encouraged to join in with both adult led and child led activities, introducing them to new experiences and helping them to gain new skills, preparing them for formal schooling. The activities and learning are child centred, designed around their interests and building upon their personal experiences. We use careful observations of our children and monitor their interests and abilities to guide our planning for a variety of engaging and fun activities for them to learn through, benefiting all.

Children start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The care and education offered by our setting help the children to continue to do this by providing each of them with captivating activities that are appropriate and stimulating for their age and stage of development. Our outdoor environment offers learning opportunities which contribute to benefiting and supporting the development of a child’s health as well as their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them, especially with our Forest School.

At Leigh Academy Molehill we aim to create inquiring, lifelong learners who respect and care for the world they live in and all those who live in it. Our learners understand how they are connected to the world in order to take action to improve their own lives, and the lives of local and global communities, becoming global citizens themselves.

If you require assistance with the nursery application pack, please contact us at