At Leigh Academy Molehill, we aim to give every child the very best start to their education. The academy aims to ensure that Science teaching is vibrant and engaging to foster curiosity, creativity and enthusiasm. Pupils will develop specific scientific skills and knowledge from the National Curriculum and enhance their Science capital, experiences, and learning opportunities through trips, visitors and workshops facilitated by the academy. Pupils also take part each year in British Science Week which presents them with stimulating and innovative challenges in ‘real life’ contexts. Pupils are guided and encouraged to develop the habits of active and independent learners to evaluate and make sense of the changing world around them.
Recent Science Capital Opportunities at Molehill

The children will develop their PYP (Primary Years Programme) learner profiles through science opportunities; they will develop an appreciation and awareness of the world from a scientific standpoint and a sense of responsibility regarding the global impact of human activity, understanding the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future. Integral to the subject will be an appreciation of the contribution to science from people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. As part of a Trust, Molehill works collaboratively with the local cluster schools, other schools within the trust and Curriculum Advisors to ensure the science curriculum continues to evolve to meet the needs of all pupils in an ever-changing world. Science leads at Molehill are also working alongside the PSTT (Primary Science Teaching Trust) and using their expertise to further develop staff and the Science curriculum. Links with local secondaries have also been established through Science outreach to ensure an exceptional transition to the next Key Stage.
Pupils at Molehill become active and independent learners.
In addition, our extensive grounds are used to complement Science learning.
Science Vision
We enjoy Science at Molehill and our teachers provide exciting opportunities.
We link Science to our Transdisciplinary Themes, making clear links to our ever-changing world. We develop the skills and knowledge to become active independent learners.
- Inquirers – we are curious about Science and want to find out new things. We approach tasks creatively and practically and use different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions about the world.
- Knowledgeable – We know about many scientific concepts and some of the scientists who discovered them.
- Thinkers – We think critically about Science and use our initiative to solve problems when results are unexpected.
- Communicators – We collaborate in Science lessons and share our ideas confidently.
- Reflective – We think about our work and consider how we could improve next time. We make links with many other areas of our learning and the world around us.
- Principled – We follow safety instructions in Science and collaborate sensibly with peers.
- Open-Minded – We listen to others and respect their ideas. We are flexible and open to different outcomes.
- Caring – We care about people, plants and animals and respect them and the environment during Science.
- Balanced – We look after our minds and bodies and our scientific learning helps us to achieve this.
- Risk-Takers – We are brave when we approach our practical work and like to try new things. We accept that things can go wrong and that we can learn from them.
STEM Science Club
Pupils enjoy taking part in our exciting Science Club after school which allows them to further explore Science in a fun and practical way. The investigations and activities often produce thrilling and unexpected results which feed the enthusiasm of our pupils and enhance their learning in class. The club is always very popular and has accommodated many budding scientists at Molehill over the years.