Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school
Parents are notified via emails sent from the academy at the request of the NHS when screening checks are held for a child. It is important that parents/carers read this information carefully as sometimes you are required to opt in or opt out. Emails are also sent informing parents of any vaccination programmes by the NHS.
If you suspect your child has head lice, please inform us in strictest confidence so that we can alert other parents that a case has been reported.
Medication for short term illnesses/conditions is only administered by the academy if a child requires it four times a day. Please bring the labelled prescribed medicine into the academy office each day. A medical form will also need to be completed. All medicines are kept in the academy office and are given in accordance with the form. Children must not bring medication into the academy under any circumstance.
If your child has an asthma inhaler please bring this to the office and you will be required to fill in a form about when and how this is to be administered by staff.
If your child has an accident or becomes ill at the academy we know you will want to know immediately so that you can arrange to collect him/her. Please check that we have two telephone numbers to contact you at home and/or at work.
We strongly encourage you to make routine medical appointments outside of the school day. If your child has to have a dental or hospital appointment in school hours, please send a note stating the time you will arrive to collect them. Please report to the office upon arrival so that we can adjust the register.