
Leigh Academy Molehill Policies

Behaviour and Discipline

Aims and Expectations

It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and is well behaved. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The school behaviour policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure.

The school rewards good behaviour, as it believes that this will develop an ethos of kindness and co-operation. This policy is designed to promote good behaviour rather than merely deter anti-social behaviour or non-compliance. We ensure that there is a consistent approach throughout the school, involving all staff and pupils.

We work in partnership with parents to promote good behaviour, to take steps to discourage poor behaviour, to reinforce the school rules and to support parents when sanctions need to be used with a child. Staff work collaboratively with parents and carers, so that children receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and at school.


As part of our aims, ethos and expectations, all members of Molehill Primary Academy will be proactive about taking steps to prevent and tackle bullying. The policy has been drawn up through the involvement of the whole school community and we are committed to developing an anti-bullying culture whereby no bullying, including between adults or adults and children and young people will be tolerated.

Sex and Relationship Education

What is Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)?

“It is part of lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. Effective SRE is essential if young people are to make responsible and well informed choices”

Effective SRE can make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by pupils if they are to establish and maintain relationships. It also enables young people to make responsible and informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

Aims and Objectives

Our policy is a working document which provides guidance and information on all aspects of SRE in the school for staff, parents/carers and governors.

Moral and Values Framework

 The SRE programme at Molehill Primary Academy reflects the school’s values and demonstrates and encourages the following:

  • Respect for self;
  • Respect for others;
  • Responsibility for their own actions;
  • Responsibility for their family, friends, schools and wider community

Equal Opportunities Statement

The school is committed to the provision of SRE to all of its pupils. Our programme aims to respond to the diversity of children’s cultures, faiths and family backgrounds. This will be achieved by:

  • Generating a trusting, safe atmosphere where questions can be asked and answered openly and without embarrassment when appropriate.
  • Making SRE an integral part of our PSHE programme.
  • Using circle time and the setting of ground rules to foster trust, security and openness.
  • Providing information which is easily understood, relevant and appropriate to the age and maturity of the pupils.
  • Delivering the SRE programme by adults with whom the pupils are familiar with or in conjunction with trained health professionals.

Leigh Academies Trust Policies