PE and Sports Funding

At Leigh Academy Molehill we understand the importance that physical activity and sport plays in keeping us fit and building communities and we promote this through our curriculum.

What is Sports Premium Funding?

The purpose of the PE and sport premium grant is for schools to make additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of all primary-aged pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.

Our Academy uses the PE and sport premium to:

  • build capacity and capability within the school and ensure that improvements to the quality of PE, sport and physical activity provision made now are sustainable and will benefit pupils joining the school in future years; and
  • develop or add to the PE, sport and physical activity that the school provides

What can the funding be spent on?

The funding can only be spent on improving and enhancing the provision of sport and PE in schools. However, it is up to the discretion of the school as to what area of PE and sport it improves. For example it could be used:

  • To purchase new resources.
  • To employ a specialist P.E. teacher to work alongside staff for half a day each week.
  • To pay for cover to enable staff to undertake professional development opportunities.
  • To pay for membership of the local School Sports Partnership (SCSSP) who provide competitions.
  • CPD and network meetings for PE subject leaders.
  • to fund access to the School Sports Co-ordinator who delivers sports festivals within our cluster of schools.
  • To provide high quality training for adults who run after school clubs and assist in organising school sports events e.g. triathlon, running club.
  • To provide a subsidy for those in need, to provide places in after-school sports club.
  • To pay for transport to and from sporting events and activities that cannot be held at our own school.

How have we utilised this funding