Maths Curriculum

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At Leigh Academy Molehill, we aim to give every child the very best start possible to their education by providing vibrant and engaging teaching which enables the children to become active and independent learners. We strive to develop both procedural and conceptual knowledge inclusive and beyond that of the National Curriculum, so that all children leave us as ‘masters’ of maths and have the ability to apply this. We ensure this by providing a broad, ambitious and balanced curriculum which sees mathematical skills being applied in inquiries following the scope and sequence as well as ensuring that the children are being challenged within their lessons. Maths is important in everyday life and we emphasise the belief that everyone ‘can do’ and excel at maths. It is integral to all aspects of life and, with this in mind; we endeavour to ensure that our pupils develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards maths that will stay with them through their school-life and beyond. Mathematical language is also a key aspect of promoting life-long learning and mathematical discussions are promoted to encourage this.

Leigh Academy Molehill uses White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning across the Academy to plan and deliver lessons. The sequence is broken down into manageable, well-structured small steps which allow the children to become secure in each aspect of the learning by relating it to past schemas, before moving on and applying it. Teachers also use additional resources, such as Times Tables Rockstars,  to supplement their teaching and to ensure all pupils’ needs are being met, so that concepts are being mastered rather than just covered. 

Mathematics teaching at Leigh Academy Molehill follows the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial and abstract) so that all children can access the learning being delivered. This approach helps embed the understanding of key concepts and allows for conceptual understanding not just procedural. This approach can be seen through the use of manipulatives during the introduction of new concepts and the interleaving of these, as well as pictorial representations, throughout the small steps where necessary, so that all children are supported in reaching the same end goal of the National Curriculum requirements. Additionally, these varied representations are used to challenge and stretch a pupil’s understanding.

By the time children leave Leigh Academy Molehill, they are competent and confident mathematicians who can apply their knowledge and skills not only to the curriculum by building on previous knowledge but also real-life contexts. They can also use the correct mathematical vocabulary to enhance their knowledge and understanding when explaining and communicating their answers to a wider audience. Pupils make good progress from their own personal starting points. By the end of Year Six, they will be able to apply their knowledge and skills with fluency and also efficiently; this will also support them within their transition to secondary education and life beyond. Children will understand the real-life context of mathematics and see its importance in everyday life. They will feel competent to grow and challenge themselves by applying their knowledge, helping them to prosper in today’s society by accurately budgeting, measuring and calculating, setting them up for success. Most importantly, they will develop a love of mathematics.